jueves, 30 de junio de 2011

bigotes varios


A man who wants to die feels angry and full of life and desperate and bored and exhausted, all at the same time; he wants to fight everyone, and he wants to curl up in a ball and hide in a cupboard somewhere. He wants to say sorry to everyone, and he wants everyone to know just how badly they’ve all let him down.

"Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways."
Sigmund Freud


"A strange melancholy pervades me to which I hesitate to give the grave and beautiful name of sorrow. The idea of sorrow has always appealed to me but now I am almost ashamed of it’s complete egoism. I have known boredom, regret, and occasionally remorse, but never sorrow. Today it envelops me like a silken web, enervating and soft, and sets me apart from everybody else."

Françoise Sagan, Bonjour tristesse

miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011